Legal Info


PARQUES REUNIDOS SERVICIOS CENTRALES, S.A; (henceforth, “PARQUES REUNIDOS”) with registered address in Madrid, C/ Federico Mompou 5, Parque Empresarial Las Tablas, Edificio 1, Planta 3, 28050 Madrid, Spainand C.I.F. A-84.885.441. Inscribed in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid at Tomo 23.506, Folio 58, Hoja M – 421.702. PARQUES REUNIDOS is the owner of the, the “Portal”) and puts it at the disposal of Internet users so as to provide them with information about the products and services of both PARQUES REUNIDOS and its affiliates (henceforth,“GRUPO PARQUES REUNIDOS”), allow the different services of purchase of tickets or any other kind of product through the Portal as well as, if relevant, making different competitions, games, surveys, etc, available to users.

Notwithstanding the foregoing, the different products and services offered through this Portal are sold by BԪ Servicios Centrales. S.A., the company that operates the Portal and is responsible for the management of Grupo BԪ, and therefore, responsible for the sale of all products and/ or services related to BԪ.

Customer service:+34 91 526 97 00


The present General Terms of Use of the Portal, together with the General Terms of Sale which may govern the provision of online purchase services and any other General Terms governing any kind of tool made available to the Users at the Portal, have the purpose of regulating both the publication of the information and the commercial relations that may arise between PARQUES REUNIDOS and users of the Portal (henceforth, the“U”).

By navigating within the Portal and/ or using the services included herein, you acquire the status of “User”. Both navigation and the use of any of the online purchase services of the Portal entail the acceptance by the User without reservations of any kind, of each and every one of the present General Terms of Use of the Portal, together with the General Terms of Sale which may govern the provision of online purchase services and any other General Terms governing any kind of tool made available to the Users at the Portal.

PARQUES REUNIDOSmay modify at any time and without prior warning, the present General Terms of Use of the Portal, together with the General Terms of Sale which may govern the provision of online purchase services and any other General Terms, by merely publishing the modifications in the Portal so that Users may become aware of them prior to visiting the Portal or acquiring any goods or services or using the tools offered on the Portal.


The Portal and all the contents displayed herein and, especially, designs, texts, graphics, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, brands, blueprints or any other matter susceptible to industrial and commercial use is subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of PARQUES REUNIDOS, of GRUPO PARQUES REUNIDOS (as shall be defined hereunder) or of third party owners of the same, who have duly authorised their inclusion in the Portal, and which are therefore protected by the laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property. It shall in no case be understood that use of the Portal by Users concedes any kind of licence, nor that any total or partial renunciation, transmission or assignment of these rights is entailed, nor is any right or expectation of right conferred, and in particular, the contents may not be altered, exploited, reproduced, distributed or communicated publicly. Access to this Portal does not grant Users any right or titularity over the intellectual property rights of the contents hosted on this Portal.


PARQUES REUNIDOSshall only be responsible for such damages as the User may suffer from using the Portal when the said damages are imputable to the defective actions of this company. The User acknowledges and accepts that the use of the Portal and the provision of the services offered herein is carried out entirely at their own risk and responsibility. PARQUES REUNIDOS shall not accept any responsibility for damages that may arise from the following causes or facts, which list is not exhaustive:

  • Interference, omissions, interruptions, computer viruses, breakdowns and/ or disconnections in the operational functionality of this system or the electronic equipment and apparatus of Users, due to causes beyond the control of PARQUES REUNIDOS, which might impede or slow down the provision of services or navigation of this Portal.
  • Portal use delays or blockages caused by deficiencies or overloads of Internet or other electronic systems.
  • Anything caused by third parties using illegal means beyond the control of, and not attributable to, PARQUES REUNIDOS.
  • The impossibility of providing the service or allowing access to the Portal for causes not attributable to PARQUES REUNIDOS, the User, third parties, unforeseeable circumstances or force majeure.

PARQUES REUNIDOS does not exercise any control, in general, over the use made of the Portal by Users. In particular, PARQUES REUNIDOS does not guarantee in any way that the Users make use of the Portal in accordance with the law, the General Terms of Use, decency or generally accepted fair use and public order, nor that they use it in a diligent and prudent way.

PARQUES REUNIDOS does not guarantee the availability or continuity of the Portal. Similarly, PARQUES REUNIDOS does not guarantee that the Portal or its contents are suitable for any particular activity or purpose. PARQUES REUNIDOS disclaims any kind of responsibility for damages of any nature that may arise from the lack of availability or continuity of the Portal, or unfulfilled expectations about the utility that the Users may have attributed to the Portal.

PARQUES REUNIDOS guarantees that it has suitable measures in place and that these comply with the security standards that current technology permits, such as the“V”system. The access to transaction services and those requiring the capture of personal data shall be carried out in a secure environment using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol with high-security 128-bit encryption. The secure server shall establish a connection in such a way that the information is transmitted encrypted. This ensures that the content transmitted is only intelligible for the “client” computer and the PARQUES REUNIDOS server. The User can check that they are within a secure environment by verifying that a closed padlock appears in the status bar of their browser. The security guarantee of our servers is underwritten by a certificate issued by the company VeriSign. This certificate guarantees that the client is communicating its data to a PARQUES REUNIDOS server and not to a third party who may be attempting to supplant the latter.


As a general rule, the User is obliged to comply with the present General Terms of Use of the Portal, the General Terms of Sale (in the event that the User makes a purchase through the Portal) and comply with the specific warnings or instructions of use contained herein or in the Portal and comply at all times with the law, generally accepted fair use and the requirements of good faith, employing diligence appropriate to the nature of the service that is being enjoyed, and abstaining from using the Portal in any way that could impede, damage or impair its normal operation, or the property or rights of PARQUES REUNIDOS, of GRUPO PARQUES REUNIDOS, other Users, and in general, of any third party.

Specifically, and without entailing any kind of restriction on the obligations assumed by the User in general and in accordance with the preceding section, the User is obliged, when using the Portal and where relevant, the online purchase tool included therein, to:

  • Provide truthful personal data and other information requested.
  • Not introduce, store or disseminate in or via the Portal, any information or material that is defamatory, damaging, obscene, threatening, xenophobic, which incites violence or discrimination on the basis of race, sex, ideology, religion or in any way contravenes decency, public order, basic human rights, public liberties, the honour, privacy or the image of third parties, the rights of intellectual or industrial property or business secrets constituting the knowhow of third parties, nor in general any content for which the User does not hold the right by law to make it available to a third party, or which constitutes any kind of offence in law.
  • Not introduce, store or disseminate in or via the Portal, any computer programme, data, viruses, software code, or connect any hardware or telecommunications device or any other electronic or physical apparatus that could cause damage to the Portal, to any of the services, or any of the equipment, systems or networks of PARQUES REUNIDOS, of GRUPO PARQUES REUNIDOS, of any User or any other third party, or which could in any other way be capable of causing any kind of alteration or impair their normal functioning.
  • Not carry out activities of advertising or promotion, or make commercial use of the Portal, or use the contents or, in general, to use information obtained from the Portal, to send advertising, messages of direct sale or for any other commercial purpose, nor to gather or hold personal data of third parties.
  • Not use false identities nor supplant the identities of others in the use of the Portal or any of the purchasing services of the Portal, including means of payment, passwords or access keys of third parties, or in any other way.
  • Not destroy, alter, make personal use of, put beyond use or damage the data, information, programmes or electronic documents of PARQUES REUNIDOS, of GRUPO PARQUES REUNIDOS or third parties.


All the means and technical requirements needed to access the Portal and the services offered therein are the exclusive responsibility of the User, as is any cost or taxes to which the provision of the said services may give rise.
Once the User has accessed the Portal, to proceed to use the different services, the User must follow all the instructions or indications displayed on the screen, and enter the information required by the forms presented by the Portal, which shall in turn entail the prior reading and acceptance of all the General Terms of Sale defined therein.


You can consult ourPrivacy Policy here


A cookie is an information storage and recovery device downloaded to the computer or electronic device of the User on accessing certain web pages or applications. Cookies enable certain information about the navigation habits of the User, their equipment or device, to be obtained so as to allow improvements in the service of a web and offer a better experience to the User.

What kind of cookies does this web page use?

BԪ Servicios Centrales, S.A. (owner of the Portal) and Parque de Atracciones Madrid, S.A.U (entity that operates through the Portal) use the cookies described below on this website:

1. Configuration of User browser options
  • For more information about the Browser Google Chrome, click.
  • For more information about the Browser Explorer, click.
  • For more information about the Browser Mozilla Firefox, click.
  • For more information about the Browser Safari, click.
2. Using third-party tools available online.

Certain third-party tools available online allow the User to detect the cookies on each website they visit and handle deactivation; for instance if the User does not wish to be tracked by “Google Analytics” on all webpages, they can access.

If the User configures their browser to reject all cookies or expressly rejects the own cookies of this website, they may have difficulties in completing online purchases at the Portal. Therefore, the User’s navigation through our website may be slower or encounter some kind of error.

The acceptance of the use of cookies at this Portal by Users may be revoked at any moment using the browser configuration options indicated above and the privacy options available at the Portal; they may also send email, should they have any query about our cookies policy.


The present General Terms of Use of the Portal shall be governed by the law of Spain, which shall be of application in all matters beyond the scope of this contract in relation to the interpretation, validity and execution of the same.